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Global eBook Market Makes up About $14.5 Billion, Says Kobo

Digital books are becoming more popular than ever, but this also opens the doors to piracy. However, it seems that the eBooks sales business is still going strong, according to a fresh report from Canadian company Kobo.

The Toronto-based company, which is specialized in making e-book readers, has published an interesting report, saying that the eBook market makes up about $14.5 billion in sales globally. Michael Tamblyn, President and Chief Content Officer, Kobo, thinks that is expected for the market to reach more than $22 billion by 2017. He also added:

kobo ereader canada

“The advances that we’re seeing year-over-year are incredible, with more publishers, users and new technology changing the face of the industry at an unprecedented pace.”

The Kobo report also shared some interesting details about the behavior of Canadian readers. It seems that Canadians turned nearly 300 million virtual pages on Kobo devices over the holidays last year. The CCO also added this:

A book’s position on the bestseller list may indicate it’s bought, but that isn’t the same as it being read or finished. A lot of readers have multiple novels on the go at any given time, which means they may not always read one book from start to finish before jumping into the next great story. People may wait days, months, or even until the following year to finish certain titles. And many reserve that inalienable reader’s right to set down a book if it doesn’t hold their interest.

The data was collected from January to November 2014 from more than 21 million users from the following countries – Canada, U.S., the Netherlands, France, Australia, Italy, New Zealand and the UK.


Tagged as: Kobo